

Through these challenging financial times, webTriumph has continued to be a transparent, value added company where clients receive cost effective, solutions-based services.

"May this year bring exciting opportunities to celebrate and contribute to the formation of strong relationships based on integrity and service. And may webTriumph be your service organization of choice when faced with challenges along the way." ......Steve Barnes, Owner and Sr. Consultant, webTriumph.

2020 Featured Solution: Wireless Distribution Systems (WDS)
It has become apparrant over the past 7 years that access to reliable wireless service is the most commonly encountered technology challenge for individuals and businesses. To address this specific need, WebTriumph will configure and deploy a WDS solution designed to facilitate the distribution of wireless signals across large areas with minimal loss. Transmitting and recieving high bandwidth service wirelessly for up to 30 Kilometers from point to point reduces total cost of ownership and extends networks across large areas and into buildings where access is otherwise not possible.

Typical applications are:

  • Resorts
  • Farms
  • Golf Courses
  • Estates
  • Health Care Facilities

    In addition to the WDS solution, webTriumph will continue to provide services in the following areas to select clients:
  • webTune service:
  • Network Configuration and Diagnostics
  • Web Presence Development/Webmaster Services
  • Procurement and Configuration
  • With deep appreciation and gratitude:

    "You, our valued client, are the heart and soul of our business. The majority of webTriumph business comes from clients witnessing to others as to the quality and integrity of the services provided. At webTriumph, we consider your satisfaction as the only acceptable outcome. It is from that primary goal that our existance is justified. I look forward to the excitement and satisfaction of providing services and solutions that meet your needs, now, and into the future."........Steve Barnes, Owner and Sr. Consultant, webTriumph.

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